Brookings SD Professional Tree Service
Call for a free estimate 605-695-8550 or 605-641-5812
Shelterbelt Cleanup Services
Shelterbelts are lines of trees or shrubs planted to protect areas from erosion caused by strong winds. They provide many benefits to include erosion control, thermal protection from wind/elements, and food and habitat for wildlife.
But when a shelterbelt is left unattended too long, invasive trees can take root and grow uncontrollably. Trees can grow too large, and fallen branches can pile up, leaving an unattractive, and difficult to maintain mess.
The professional tree care experts at Glacial Lakes Tree Service can remove all that fallen plant matter, check the health of the trees, trim any dead or diseased branches, and can remove all the invasive trees and debris caught in the area.
Experienced tree care specialists can maintain shelterbelts so they continue to effectively block high winds, offer a pleasing aesthetic, and encourage healthy tree growth. Call Glacial Lakes Tree Service today for a free shelterbelt cleanup quote.